- The Jake Schepps Newsletter
- Posts
- Vol. 1
Vol. 1
The Most Valuable Newsletter On the Internet
West of Olentangy
Thursday, 10:22 a.m.
Dear Friend,
I have no idea how you got to this website.
Maybe you read about it on Twitter. Maybe a friend referred you to it. Or perhaps you even stumbled onto it by pure luck.
But, no matter how you got here, you have arrived to what is, without a doubt, the most valuable website on the entire internet. (other than...)
Here’s a sneak peek to why:
Do you know where your willpower and one’s tenacity come from?
Do you ever wonder why people do things? Especially ones they don’t want to.
Well, I sure as hell did.
I found out it comes from the development of your Anterior Mid-Cingulate Cortex.
A crucial network hub in the brain that figures out if sticking to something is worth the effort, by weighing the pros and cons.
Basically, the Anterior Mid-Cingulate Cortex (aMCC) is part of the brain that is the reason you persevere through hard challenges.
For those who are dieting or resisting a tempting behavior and are successful. The size and activity in the aMCC goes up over time.
For those who fail, a flat downward trend of the size and activation of the aMCC occurs. Do you see where I'm going here?
What I mean is, when given an easy task, the aMCC isn’t activated. When given a hard task, a physical or cognitive task that you really don’t want to do.
The aMCC levels go through the roof.
Not only is your willpower, and tenacity stemming from this part of the brain. It’s also correlated to your will to live or one’s willing to continue living. – per. Neuroscientist Adam Huberman.
The great David Goggins once said.
“One has to callus the mind.”
Intentionally expose yourself to discomfort and pain. This will build your mental toughness. This mental toughness will sit in your back pocket. For whenever you need it.
So, what did I start to do?
I now wake up at 6:06 a.m. five days a week. And walk my ass to the gym 18 minutes from my house in the blistering cold to get my day started.
In a few months it’ll be nice and warm out but who gives a fuck.
Anyway, I fucking dread this walk, I go to bed thinking about it. I wake up thinking about it. But after it is done, holy shit do I feel like the man. Hahaha, anyway why would you care about this?
Well, many billionaires, business moguls, and entrepreneurs who have fortunes of power and wealth – all do this.
(Whether you agree or not) They do.
My goal in life is to become a billionaire.
Laugh at me, cool. What did you do today? Watch TikTok for 8 hours?
All billionaires do what they don’t want to do, every day.
They have immense amounts of wisdom which is built upon knowledge.
So, you can think of this as the most valuable newsletter on the internet.
One that will expand your mind.
One that is going to grow immensely with knowledge, in hopes of influencing action.
The action to do something great with your life.
If you’re asking yourself why I talked about the aMCC – It was to give perspective on the information you may find in this newsletter.
Pretty neat, isn’t it?
Whatever. Sunday the 28th, you will receive the first installment of the “Sunday Six”.
What’s that you ask?
It will be packed with information I acquire from my studies, compiled into an easy-to-read weekly newsletter.
It will include:
1. Interesting information I read/listened to that week from various books, readings, and podcasts.
About Mindfulness, Core Principles, Neuroscience...
2. The BEST methods for writing ads, “How to make anyone buy what you’re selling.”- by studying the great copywriters.
3. Personal development and growth.
4. How to reprogram your hardware.
5. Music which I am really enjoying.
6. And to be my public journal.
If you are still here:
I would love to share these ideas with my dear late grandmother “Mimi”. I would love to talk to my Mimi one last time but Fuck, I can’t.
Just writing all of this out allows me to feel as though she can hear me. Hear my message. So I will continue to do so.
But, we will talk about that special lady some other time.
For now, if you enjoyed, learned, or felt any sense of emotion from reading this.
I sincerely recommend, for your well-being, to subscribe to my newsletter - (Simply an email). I am here to learn and reiterate important, life-changing information, that allows you to escape the rat race, (join me), don’t get left behind.