The Time Is Now

Change your life, don't wait

West of Olentangy
Sunday, 10:10 a.m.

Dear Friend,

As you can see, I have attached a nice, crisp dollar bill at the top of this letter. Why did I do this? Actually, there are two reasons:

 1. I have information of extreme value to tell you and I wanted to make sure this letter would catch your attention.

 2. And secondly, since what I am writing about concerns ways you can gain a lot of knowledge, I thought using a dollar bill as an “eye grabber” was especially appropriate.

Here’s what it’s all about: About a week ago you received my first newsletter. I’m sure you remember; the headline was:

Unfuck Your Life

The letter then invited you to subscribe, and email me back for more info on the following:

1. How to take action in your life, when you feel stuck!

2. How to accomplish any “hard task” with minimal effort!

3. How to develop your willpower and tenacity!

4. How to make $10,000 monthly on the internet!

5. How to start now... there is no “right time”!

OK, that’s why I'm writing. I have assembled a package of information that contains all of the above, plus some more incredible secrets that can help you take control of your life, breaking through the barrier of lies society has conditioned you to believe.

I’m fucking serious

If you’re interested in reprogramming your brain to create a huge (and immediate) cash flow for yourself or your business, this will be the most exciting message you will ever read.

Here is why: My name is Jake Schepps and some time ago I was dead broke. I felt as if I had no purpose, I was desperate. Then, one day, I stumbled across the “crazy idea” about reprogramming your brain.

I am a junior at Ohio State and my friends laughed at my idea. My friends thought it was a big joke, just another one of my stupid ideas. In fact, one person asked, “Is Schepps okay”?

Fuck yeah, I'm okay, I’m the best I've ever been.

In fact, ever since I came across the idea of reprogramming my brain, I have never felt more purpose.

You may be reading this asking, “What does reprogramming the brain look like”?

Well, I’m glad you asked. The first step is self-actualization:

Realizing there is a need deep down for growth in you.

Think about it: It’s the acknowledgment that there is more to being a human than society has told us.

That your family has told you / shown you otherwise. Or even if you’re stuck in misery from losing a loved one, recent relationship issues, or just feeling empty.

You then need to take full accountability/ownership of everything that has happened in your life. Good and bad.

 I want you to understand.
That your life reflects how you think, act, and desire.
To move forward, you must understand “why”.
This won’t be easy, but is necessary.

You need to be able to process the information you consume. Not just aimlessly scrolling online, this is done by:

 Discriminating Reality Vs. Appearance

For years, I had seen gurus, and influencers flexing expensive cars, and shiny diamond watches.

I realized that these guys had no clue how the game worked, more so, how to be a (game maker).

Stay far away from these phonies. The game makers are the true OGs, they are the ones who created the rules, the loopholes, and the “9-5 lifestyle” we so desperately try and climb to the top of.

My goal in life is to become a game maker, in my last letter I was saying billionaire. I equate these to be of the same weight.


From birth, we are conditioned to be in debt to the system. Being one in the rat race, giving up our greatest commodities (time, health, and our mind) to a system that picks us up, chews on us, and spits us out.

 What is wealth?

Wealth is a state of abundance, characterized by having an ample supply of resources that are vital for one's freedom and survival. And, game makers have fortunes of wealth.

For many people, wealth is often put into a basket with your bank account ($$$), or by the items you possess. However, for others, wealth might be as basic yet vital as having access to clean water and nutritious food.

Are you still here? Good. Let’s continue:

You Must Commit To Learning Every Day

To successfully navigate foreign land, you must use a map. In becoming a game maker, the map is self-education. The constant pursuit to learn every day.

You need to break away from what you’ve been told at a young age. At a young age, the higher-ups attack the minds of young individuals. Through tactical malicious brainwashing & marketing schemes. 

The game makers do this, so you are incarcerated into a set of beliefs that benefit them.   

If this weren’t true:

· Why does everyone learn the same thing in school?

· Why does the school system not teach you how to find your purpose in life?

· Why does it condition mass generations to live in a race?

Everyone is taught how to be a rat, the game makers, who control the rats, get to where they are by self-education. Learning from the great minds. Claude Hopkins, Leonardo Di Vinci, and Robert Collier just to name a few.

You need to delete, to reprogram.

 When you can erase what your childhood has told you about:

· How happiness is achieved.

· How to stay in shape.

· How to find your purpose.

· How to build true wealth.

 You can then develop the 1% champions mindset. That elevates you over the other 99% of “average Joe” humans. (I’ll talk about this mindset later).

 You need to become self-accepting.

This is the unconditional loving of yourself. This is not cookie cutter, accept your warts and blemishes, and stop making external circumstances for yourself.

I used to be super self-conscious of my body, (researched to be body dysmorphia). Throughout all middle-school and high-school, I had always tried to impress everyone else. I always felt slightly negative about my appearance. Thinking my flaws were constantly noticed.

Going into my freshman year of college, I realized that the only person I needed to impress was myself. This concept changed my life.

I became happy with how I looked; I noticed I didn’t try to impress others.

If you want to develop that 1% champion mindset I mentioned, this is a must.

Now, a junior in college, I am writing it all down, practicing these concepts daily, and damn do I wish I did these things sooner. Whatever.

This is the ultimate level that you should aspire to get to. Loving yourself fully and always, allows you to not give a fuck about anyone else’s opinions.

Do you think LeBron James cares who says he is a flop artist on Instagram?

Hell No. Lebron knows he is the greatest.

And that guy, in his mom’s basement, on his 15th Instagram hour, isn’t touching Lebron mentally.

All I am trying to get across to you is that the first step in this journey to becoming a game maker (someone who paves their path, owns their time, mind, and energy) is to love yourself forever and always.

Wake up every day excited to be you. Don’t change yourself for anyone. If you were to take one step to shift your mind and put yourself into alignment.

It would HAVE to be to journal. Journaling in any aspect whatsoever.

You can:

· Jot thoughts down in your note’s app

· Plan and track your days to stay productive / hold yourself accountable

· A daily recap every night

I promise you, that if you implement this way of living, along with one of these journaling techniques.

You will see yourself changing in the upcoming weeks.

Well, next week is next week. And I'll be here again, trying to share some information I find powerful with you. So, if you haven’t already. I urge you to subscribe. This is only the start.

Don’t get left behind.